
Elizabeth Warfel

Artist Bio

Elizabeth Warfel

Elizabeth Warfel is an artist based in Brooklyn, New York. Primarily an oil painter, she explores the complex connection between the prescribed material world and the intimate unseen realms of the psyche. Her practice draws on elements from life—figures, man-made structures, and natural landscapes—alongside elements from the imagination. Using vibrant colors, warped depictions of space, and apparitions of fantastical creatures, she creates dreamscapes that are explorations of the mind. These liminal worlds represent the escapism many seek, whether through the mindless distraction offered by technology and social media, the search for idealized visions of the world away from societal demands and expectations, or the nostalgic longing for child-like freedom. Born and raised in Lancaster, PA, Warfel studied art history and studio art at Middlebury College in Vermont, the Sorbonne in Paris, and the Art Students League of New York.

Exhibitions: Time of Our Lives
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